Generation Chef
Pub: September 13, 2016
Pre-OrderGeneration Chef takes readers inside what life is really like for the new generation of professional cooks. The heart of the narrative is the story of Jonah Miller, who, at age twenty-four, quits his job as a sous chef and attempts to fulfill a lifelong dream by opening the Basque restaurant Huertas in New York City, still the high-stakes center of the restaurant business. Journalist and food writer Karen Stabiner takes us through Huertas’s roller-coaster first year while providing insight into the challenging world a young chef faces today—the intense financial pressures, the overcrowded field of aspiring cooks, and the impact of reviews and social media, which can dictate who survives. A fast-paced narrative filled with suspense, Generation Chef is a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at drive and passion in one of today’s hottest professions.