The Faceless Thing We Adore
Pub: August 5, 2025
Page Street Publishing
Pre-OrderIt’s a tale as old as time: Dump your shitty boyfriend, travel to a foreign country to find yourself…end up in a sex-fueled commune worshiping an angry God. When Aoife stumbles across the Farmstead, she finds everything she’s been missing—a community that loves her, sexual freedom, a greater purpose. She could actually be happy here…If it weren’t for the teenager they keep locked up in a cabin with no windows. Or the glitching shadow-monster. Or that some of her new friends talk about their leader Jonah with more fear than love. When the god wakes up and it all goes wrong, it’s only Aoife who has the power to choose what will become of their tiny reality. Awkward, clumsy Aoife, who was always told she was weak, and is just now realizing the depths of her strength—and the pleasures of her rage.